Career Talk – Vangel Chiligirov


It has always been in TIMAC AGRO’s DNA to identify talents in the making. Our continuous development means that new profiles join our adventure every year. We’ve asked Vangel Chiligirov, young TIMAC AGRO Bulgaria representative, to tell us about his onboarding experiences.


What is your background?
After my studies, I gained some professional experience. At the age of 23, I decided to become a representative for TIMAC AGRO Bulgaria in the Sliven region, known for its perennial crops (fruit and vineyards). Local farmers know me as the person who gives them the good advice they need to improve their crop performance!

Why did you choose TIMAC AGRO?
First and foremost, I wanted to help farmers improve their farming practices, develop their crop nutrition programmes, etc. I started looking around and discovered the TIMAC AGRO solutions. The innovative side, the technologies included in the fertilisers – this pioneering spirit convinced me!

What do you remember about your first days?
The warm welcome I received! I took several training courses on operations and products, which made onboarding much easier for me.

What obstacles do you encounter?
Climate change because it affects crops and our work. Today, periods of low temperatures are too short to foster crop dormancy, and this in turn has an impact on their further development. I must support farmers as much as I can to help them adapt and carefully plan the right intervention at the right time to get the best possible result.

What advice would you give to other representatives?
You must be persistent and determined to achieve your goals. Always try to make the best of every situation so that you are happy with the end result.

TIMAC AGRO is above all about being “local”. What does that mean to you?
For me, being ‘local’ means being from the region you are responsible for. Feeling ‘at home’ when you are at work. Being familiar with the conditions and problems of the people helps me gain their trust more easily. Outside of work, I am actively involved in voluntary work for the protection of the environment and nature, and I take part in charity events.


A word from… Ivan Kisyov, Regional Manager TIMAC AGRO Bulgaria
“It is essential for us that our representatives know the region in which they work and can fit into it. The Vangel region is quite specific: it is characterised by a predominance of perennial plants and vineyards. Thanks to his training, experience, and knowledge, he has become an excellent representative. From the beginning, he has shown a constant desire to learn and improve.”